Friday, February 17, 2012

February with Brittany

Well for the first time, a Dinner with Dad was moved to a Friday evening.  After a long complicated week, Brit and I met at Penara's tonight.  We had originally planned on meeting at 6:30, but then we moved it up to 6:15 because Brit had plans after dinner.  Earlier in the week Brit sent me this text "Do you think you could make it to dinner closer to 6:15?  Just have to be in Kenosha about 7:30 and don't want to be rushed!"  I was thrilled by the fact that Brittany made sure not to cut our time short.

I definitely liked the Friday thing.  I think we both were in a different mode than middle of the week and our conversation revolved more around the quarkiness of life versus the details of the events of our lives.  Brittany and I are definitely on the same page when it comes to our world view, grand philosphy, big picture or what every you want to call it and we love to share how sometimes that makes the world seem a bit strange.

Brittany had the soup and salad deal and I had a Cuban Chicken Hot Pannini.  I liked my sammich and recommend it if you are into the chicken, ham, cheese thing - which I can be.

Time flew and before you knew it, Vince was there to wisk Brit off to the rest of their evening.  It was good to see him too and share a couple of quick laughs.  Now its time to call this week done and enjoy a couple of days off.

Dinner = $19.53. Time with Brittany = Priceless!


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